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Optiplant Rapeseed PS

  • Foliar nutrition

Contributes to oilseed quality production

Product description and benefits

Optiplant from Techna research, participates in the support of the plant by:

  • Nutrition necessary for its growth and balance.
  • Physiological activation to environmental stresses (resistance to drought, etc.) 

Optiplant allows the plant to maximize its production potential. Optiplant contributes to quality winter rape production

Exists in BIO version


Mix of trace elements


  • Liquid

Liquid - 5, 10 litre can

Instructions for use

Foliar spray application for winter colza:
- 1st application: 1 L to 1.5 L/ha in 150 litres of water at the rosette stage (2 to 4 leaves).
- 2nd and 3rd applications: 1 L to 1.5 L/ha in 150 litres of water between the flowering and silique formation stage (from the emergence of the 1st flowers to petal fall).
Observe a 15-day interval between applications.
- Use only when necessary.
- Do not exceed the application rate

Natual is a range of plant-based nutritional supplements designed to support the physiological functions of farm animals and crops, and in particular their natural defences.