Cycle o'calm is particularly recommended for mares with difficult behaviour during their season or in a general way: mares which are difficult when in training, aggressive mares, mares with a lunatic behaviour, touchy mares, it also reduces frequent urination, hormonal napping mares, mares behaving exceedingly marish.
Cycle o'calm
- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

The calm of the mare management
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Product description and benefits
Magnesium chloride, Anhydrous magnesium sulfate.
Product of the transformation of hawthorn and linden.
- Liquid
Liquid - Bottle 500 ml & 1 L
Instructions for use
To be distributed directly into the feed or into the mare’s mouth, during her season:
- 25 ml / mare / day for 6 to 10 days
For a daily distribution, use 15 ml / mare / day
For long terms daily distribution, stop for 15 days between each 2 months cure.

"One of our mare was going nuts when she was in season, acting really wild in the stables, calling the other horses all the time and very agitated. So we tried the Cycle O’Calm on her. After 2 or 3 days, she was already back to her normal sweet self. I strongly recommend this product to all mares’ owners who face this kind of issue."

"My mare was in heat and I was able to give her Cycle O'calm. And it was MIRACULOUS.
Usually when she's in heat, she's quite difficult to work and walk. She flickers, squeals at mares, has ovarian pain, I can't force her to work too much, I can't put too much leg on, she doesn't stretch her back, ... And now I've found a mare who's calmed down, calm and working normally, which is a joy.

"Product given to a mare who was banging her head against walls. She couldn't stand contact with the other horses. We tried the product. She was totally transformed. She became calm and sociable. We now use the O'Calm Cycle continuously. We'd tried other solutions but Cycle O'Calm is really unique on the market. I regularly recommend it to my colleagues and family."

"Used for a mare with occasional heat pains. I use it 3 weeks out of 4. I'm on my 2nd course of treatment and I'm very satisfied. My mare is better with this product. My mare is retired but sometimes has pain due to heat. Cycle O'Calm helps to relieve her".
Complementary offers

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskadouce Spray

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
No'stress flash

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Cod-liver oil

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Algua Digest

- Breeding

- Breeding

- Breeding

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paraffin oil

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Natura'derm liquid

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paska'biotine 2015

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Equus Silicis

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskatonic solution

- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Hydratonic Powder

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskafly gel

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Blond hoof ointment

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Norway tar

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
L'originelle leather soap

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Cycle o'calm

- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskastomac gel

- Breeding
Paskatonic 912

- Breeding

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
L'Originelle Leather Balm

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Neatsfoot type oil

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Respiral liquid

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Horsetail Powder

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Myoselen E 2500

- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Clay +

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Laurel oil

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
L'Originelle Leather Oil

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Summer Shampoo

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskabloc cheval

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding

- Breeding

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Liquid soap

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Vaseline codex

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Tendi' Protec

- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Hydratonic gel

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Myo builder

- Breeding
- Races
- Sport & Leisure
Arnica gel

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Black hoof ointment

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Oil protec

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Races
- Sport & Leisure

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Garlic powder

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskabloc form

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
Milk Powder

- Breeding
Ovultonic flash

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Leather Grease

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Detangler & show shine

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskavit C

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Hydratonic liquid

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Paskafly Spray

- Sport & Leisure
- Races

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Green hoof ointment

- Breeding
- Sport & Leisure
- Races
Frog protec

- Breeding
Foal Pack
Paskacheval is a range of plant-based feed supplements and external care products designed to enhance the performance and well-being of every horse.