Managing the quality of water and air for turkeys’ optimum comfort
Upon animals’ arrival, the farmer usually tends to pay more attention to the animals’ thermal comfort rather than to the way they can access water – the latter being just as essential. Indeed, turkey poults are usually less sleek than their chick counterparts. They will have much more trouble finding water and feed. In fact, round start-ups (localised heating) should always be preferred: a 1.2% difference in mortality at 10 days has already been observed between a round start-up and an ambient start-up in different organisations. A temperature of between 33 and 36°C is recommended.
The quality of drinking water (ORP above 600 mv) and turkeys’ access to this water and its upkeep at a suitable temperature are equally essential. To ensure the lasting quality of water, one should not hesitate to flush nipples every day during the starting period. Finally, it is necessary to be extremely cautious about changes occurring at the overall level of temperature in the building (any change is usually reflected by animals’ behaviour), the rate of humidity (50% to 60%), and air renewal (the rate of CO2 must be between 1500 and 2500 ppm).