Respibol is the essential nutritional solution for preventing respiratory issues for calves under 6 months. It can be used as soon as 10 days old on calves that were born in a difficult context (recurrent respiratory episodes, insufficient ventilation, high density of animals, transitions, allotments). RESPIBOL can also be used as a complement to vaccinations or for sustaining calves whose respiratory sphere has undergone a veterinary intervention. The goal is to limit any risk of relapse.
Respibol includes trace elements such as copper, zinc, manganese and selenium. This bolus contains pulmonary plants and eucalyptus are that act in synergy with these ingredients to support calves’ respiratory system and the good functioning of their mucociliary cleansing.
Contribute to calves’ respiratory comfort during challenging phase of life
> Change of season
> Change of housing, batching with other animals
> Weaning
Support specific respiratory vaccines uptake
Contribute to calves’ growth