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  • Poultry

Protical specifically acts on the bone mineralisation of broilers, layers and breeders, and on the strength of the eggshells

Product description and benefits

Protical is a highly absorbable source of calcium.  It also contains precursors of the components of the skeleton.

By strengthening the bone structure, this product increases the calcium storage capacity in the poultry. In a laying hen, Protical limits the mobilisation of calcium of the bone marrow: the strength of the shell is clearly increased.

It results in a 30% reduction of the number of broken or downgraded eggs, and a decline in the number of cracked eggs (reducing sanitary risks i.e., feed toxicity). The pigmentation of brown eggs also becomes more uniform. The bone structure of the animal is better preserved. The laying period is extended.

Exists in BIO version


  • Powder

Incorporated into feed. Rate to be adjusted according to product concentration, species and physiological stage

Feedia embodies Techna's range of advice and solutions in breeding techniques and precision nutrition, serving the performance of production organisations, feed manufacturers and their breeder customers.